Dental cavities refer to areas in the dentine that are permanently damaged. They come in the form of tiny holes. Also known as caries or decay, cavities are caused by a wide range of factors, including the presence of harmful bacteria in your dental cavity. They are also caused by excessive snacking, intake of sugary drinks, and neglecting your oral hygiene. If you don't treat cavities on time, they will get larger and affect other parts of your teeth.
Cavities can also result in tooth loss after some time. Therefore, understanding some of the symptoms associated with dental cavities is crucial in seeking treatment on time. Some of the symptoms include toothaches, tooth sensitivity, and tooth staining.
The most common symptom of dental cavities is a toothache. You will experience a spontaneous pain or discomfort that isn't triggered by any activity. The intensity of the pain depends on the level of the cavity. When the cavity is large and deep, you are likely to experience more intensive toothaches. The pain could also intensify when you chew on various food items.
Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is also another symptom associated with dental cavities. When cavities chew through your tooth structure, they damage the enamel. The enamel is a tough outer layer of your tooth that protects it against any intrusion. This layer also protects the underlying dentin and nerves that could be sensitive. When it is damaged, the nerves and dentin are exposed. Therefore, you will experience sensitivity when drinking hot or cold beverages. This can also be very uncomfortable.
Tooth Staining
In some cases, dental cavities also cause staining. You will notice several black or brown spots on the damaged tooth. While these spots don't cause any pain, they can affect your smile significantly. Therefore, it is good to seek immediate treatment for dental cavities. Get in touch with us for more information on the symptoms of dental cavities.