As you continue to practice proper oral hygiene and get timely, regular dental visits for mouth checks and cleanings, you also need to know what is going on in the sphere of dental care. Several key lessons stand out regarding dental health as demonstrated by various pieces of research that have been conducted in various communities and setups.
Many Families and Individuals do Not Get the Dental Care they Need
A considerable number of people do not get the care they need for their oral health problems. The CDC says that roughly 1 in 4 adults in America are living with untreated decay. At this time and age, we should be able to prevent cavities and the associated dangers such as tooth loss.
People having disabilities as well as seniors are more susceptible to oral problems. If any of your family members is a senior or has a disability, it is prudent that you give more focus on their dental health. Make sure that they get to a dentist more regularly for oral checks and cleanings.
Veterans are at Higher Risk of Dental Problems
According to CareQuest, an estimated 42 percent of veterans say that they have gum problems and bone loss issues. Another 52 percent say that they have treated or active tooth decay. About 33 percent of veterans with poor oral health are difficulties eating. Based on these statistics, it is paramount that you watch over your veteran relatives and make sure they are getting to dental offices for assessment.
Patients need Conservative and Minimally Invasive Treatments
Another important lesson is that patients are today opting for conservative treatments and minimally invasive procedures. Dental technology is helping with this scenario since patients can have certain oral issues taken care of with laser technology such as gum disease and teeth whitening. Dental technology is seeing significant improvement in the dental care experience for patients.
A Need for a Holistic, Person-Centered Dental Approach
Oral health care needs to be holistic and person-centered. Dentists today apply the mouth-body approach in addressing oral issues. Many serious health conditions like cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and heart disease have a connection with oral health. Dentists are now ensuring they incorporate and integrate oral health with overall body health.
Talk to us regarding your oral health problems and we will provide the oral care you deserve.
Cooley Smiles, 10627 19th Ave SE, Suite B, Everett, WA 98208-5147 + (425) 249-3509 + + 9/11/2024 + Related Terms: dentist Everett WA +